The third National Permaculture Convergence was held at Aranya Permaculture Institute, Telangana from 18th - 20th November 2023. The Convergence welcomed farmers and farmers' organizations, academicians, researchers, policymakers, students, entrepreneurs, and individuals working towards or interested in ecological solutions in various fields including sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, environment, biodiversity, sustainable living, health and nutrition.

Reviewing and renewing the learnings from the previous convergences, NPC 2023 oriented itself towards the task of lifting up spirits and confidence, post COVID. The theme of the Convergence was Future Food and Culture. It strived towards developing new strategies of designing ecosystems, future food security and ethos of human cultures. This convergence provided a platform to share views as well as learnings among the participants and the organizers.


ARANYA AGRICULTURAL ALTERNATIVES (Permaculture India) is an environmental and developmental organization registered (No.1502 of 1999) under the AP (Telangana Area) Public Societies Registration Act 1350 Fasli (Act 1 f1350 F). It is facilitating and providing services to the communities, organizations, government and other national and international agencies since 1999.

“ARANYA” aims to provide alternative solutions to the present conventional and chemical agricultural practices. Since forest is the mother of agriculture, ARANYA is committed to follow the philosophy of natural agricultural practices with focus on forest farming so as to take up production without causing destruction to planet earth, enabling all life forms to coexist. ARANYA strongly believes that there is only one law i.e., Nature’s Law and human beings should not extract anything beyond their needs from the nature and also should return whatever that remains unused back to nature, a law which can be stated as LAW OF RETURNS to increase the ability of sustainable production.


What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is a contraction of the two words 'PERMAnent AgriCULTURE'. It stands for responsible and wise use of natural resources, in a way that will sustain life for the present as well as future generations. It is a philosophy and practice that enables people to design and establish productive systems to provide for their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs, in harmony with natural systems.

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Upcoming Events

18-20 November 2023

Permaculture Design Course

Conducted by:
Narsanna Koppula, Sneha Koppula and Team

Permaculture integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in nature. Permaculture studies and applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts at any scale to create resilient and sustainable systems. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting, renewable energy, natural building, agroforestry, waste management, animal systems, appropriate technology, economics and community development.



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